HomeI have read and agree to the Privacy Policy terms


We inform you that in respect of Privacy Law No. 196 dated June 30, 2003 (Protection of personal data and right to privacy):

  1. The undersigned company, for the establishment and execution of the contractual relationships with you in progress, is currently in possession of personal identification and taxation data that are considered personal data by law and have been acquired verbally, directly, or through third parties.
  2. Such data will be processed as required by legal and contractual obligations and the needs for the more efficient management of commercial relationships, credit recovery, and our own rights in every single business relationship.
  3. Such data will be processed in paper and/or computerised, electronic or telematic form.
  4. The supply of certain data for legal or contractual reasons is obligatory and for such reason refusal to provide such data or consent to their subsequent processing may prevent the undersigned company from initiating contractual relations.
  5. Your refusal to provide data not obligatory for legal or contractual purposes, on the other hand, will be assessed by the undersigned company case by case and lead to consequent decisions regarding the importance of such data in the management of the commercial relationship.
  6. While the communication and disclosure of such data made in execution of obligations by law and/or by contract remain valid, such data can be disclosed in Italy and/or abroad to: agent networks, factoring companies, credit institutes, credit recovery and credit insurance companies, and databases for commercial information, professionals, consultants and service companies.
  7. Such data will be processed for the entire duration of the commercial relationships established and also subsequently for the execution of all the obligations prescribed by law and future commercial purposes.
  8. As regards such data, the Party involved may exercise the rights envisioned by Art. 7 of Privacy Law No. 196/2003 (attached in detail) within the limits and conditions foreseen by Articles 8,9 and 10 of the law above.
  9. The Owner of the processing of such data is the company and may be questioned by the Party involved in regard to the existence of such data and the exercise of his or her rights in regard.
Art. 7 - Law 196/2003

Right of access to personal data and other rights
  1. The Party involved has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or absence of his or her personal data even when not yet processed and the communication of the same in intelligible form.
  2. The Party involved has the right to obtain indication of:
    1. the origin of such personal data;
    2. the methods and purposes of processing;
    3. the logic applied in the computerised processing of such data;
    4. the identification of the Owner of such personal data, the managers, and the designated processing representative as per Art. 5, section 2;
    5. the subjects or categories of subjects to which such personal data can be communicated or who may come to the attention of such data in the roles of designated territorial representative, manager or operative.
  3. The Party involved has the right to obtain:
    1. the updating, correction or integration of such data whenever desired;
    2. the cancellation, transformation in anonymous form, or the freezing of any such data processed in violation of the law, including cases in which the conservation of such data is not necessary in regard to the purposes for which they were originally collected or subsequently processed;
    3. certification that the operations in letters a) and b) were brought to the attention - together with the content - of all those to whom such data were communicated or disclosed, except whenever the fulfilment of such obligation is either impossible to achieve or would require means out of all proportion to the rights in question.
  4. The Party involved has the right to totally or partially oppose:
    1. the processing of his or her personal data for legitimate reasons even when such data have been collected for pertinent purposes;
    2. the processing of his or her personal data for the purposes of transmitting advertising or direct sales material, market research, or other forms of commercial communication.